Can you speak French?

9/21(Thu) sightseeing in Maré Island by tour
go swimming in Cengéité Beach
Lodging Nengone Village / 8,400Yen (10,500Fr) per night
[booking sites for you / Pacific]
Major expense(s) tour charge: 2,200Fr=1,780Yen
Related Sites New Caledonia
My Advice
  • Since guides don't seem to speak English, you should make a wish that there are some bilingual (French and English-speaking, of course, your native language is the best) among traveling companion if you don't speak French. Fortunately, when we went on this tour, one kind woman translated French into English for Japanese tourists. Well, if you tell receptionists that you don't speak French, they may pay careful attention to you.

guided tour of Maré Island
The Cave of Pethoene The Warrier's Leap
The Cave of Pethoene The Warrier's Leap
La Roche church
The Warrier's Leap La Roche church
The Bone Hole The Natural Aquarium
The Bone Hole The Natural Aquarium
Nengone Village Hotel
Dona and me
She is a English spoken staff of Nengone Village.

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