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9/23(Sat) excursion to Rivière Bleue Provincial Park by South Pacific Tours
play casino games at Casino Le Meridien
Lodging Le Pacifique / 14,400Fr (11,660Yen) per night
[booking sites for you / Hotel Club Pacific venere]
Major expense(s) tour charge: 10,000Fr=8,100Yen
Related Sites New Caledonia
My Advice
  • The Blue River State Park (Le Parc Provincial de la Rivière Bleue) can be reached by car or guided tour. You can apply for guided tour at any travel agency in Nouméa or Anse Vata. Visitors can swim in the river during the summer; from December to next March. You might put bathing wear on if you want.

The Blue River State Park (Le Parc Provincial de la Rivière Bleue)
(go sightseeing with an English-speaking guide in a 8-places Land-Rover)
Riviere Bleue Riviere Bleue
The view of Yaté Lake The Blue River (La Riviere Bleue)
Riviere Bleue Cagous
The Blue River (La Riviere Bleue) Kagu (Cagou), New Caledonia's national emblem

A feast for the eyes in Citrons Beach

9/24(Hol) go swimming in Citrons Beach
Lodging Le Pacifique / 14,400Fr (11,660Yen) per night
[booking sites for you / Hotel Club Pacific venere]
Related Sites New Caledonia

The Baie des Citrons Beach
On September 24, 2000, Japanese athlete Naoko Takahashi won a GOLD MEDAL in the women's marathon at the Sydney Olympic Games. ( news release on TIME ASIA)
New Caledonia's TV had been seldom sent non-French winners on the air during the term of the Sydney Olympic Games; however, this day was different. I was glad to see her victory on the TV at the street booth next to The Baie des Citrons Beach.
Citrons beach Citrons beach
Citrons beach

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