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アンコール・ワット(Angkor Wat)

本堂は3つの回廊と十字回廊から構成されています。一番外側の回廊には、一面に浮き彫りが残されていますが、庶民が近づくことができたのはこの回廊までだったそうです。第二回廊は高僧が瞑想する場所として設けられ、第三回廊に接近を許されたのは王と一部の高僧だけでした。十字回廊内の南側部分には、プリア・ポアン(千の仏の間)があります。現在、首のない数体の仏像が残されたこの場所に、以前は無数の仏像が収められていたということです。16世紀にここを訪れた日本人、森本右近太夫の残した墨書も残されています。北側には胸を叩くと「ヴォーン」と反響するエコールーム(反響の間)も残っています。(出典: アンコール・エクスプローラーズ)

Angkor Wat, in its beauty and state of preservation, is unrivaled. Its mightiness and magnificence bespeak a pomp and a luxury surpassing that of a Pharaoh or a Shah Jahan, an impressiveness greater than that of the Pyramids, an artistic distinctiveness as fine as that of the Taj Mahal.
Angkor Wat is located about six kilometers (four miles) north of Siem Reap, south of Angkor Thom. Entry and exit to Angkor Wat can only be access from its west gate.
Angkor Wat was built in the first half of the 12th century (113-5BC). Estimated construction time of the temple is 30 years by King Suryavarman II, dedicated to Vishnu (Hindu), replica of Angkor Thom style of art. (more information: Tourism Cambodia and Southeast Asian Monuments)

プノン・バケン(Phonm Bakheng)

It is a testimony to the love of symmetry and balance which evolved its pure simplicity of rectangles its beauty is achieved. It is a pyramid mounting in terraces, five of them ...Below Bak-Keng lays all the world of mystery, the world of the Khmer, more mysterious ever under its cover of impenetrable verdure.
Phnom Bakheng is located 1,30 meters (4,265 feet) north of Angkor Wat and 400 meters (1,312 feet) south of Angkor Thom. Enter and leave Phnom Bakheng by climbing a long steep path with some steps on the east side of the monument (height 67 meters, 220 feet) In the 1960 this summit was approached by elephant and, according to a French visitor, the ascent was "a promenade classic and very agreeable"
Arrive at the summit just before sunset for a panoramic view of Angkor and its environs.
But in rainy season, these view may not be taken.

Angkor Wat Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat
急勾配の中央祠堂(The Central Sanctuary)の階段
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat
