(The articles about anti-Japanese protesters)
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China Aims to Stop Anti-Japanese Violence
(Guardian Unlimited - Sunday, May 1, 2005)
By Joe McDonald, Associated Press Writer
BEIJING - China launched a new effort Saturday to prevent anti-Japanese violence before a sensitive anniversary, warning against protests and calling on the public to express patriotism sensibly.
Chinese leaders, warning of possible damage to important economic ties with Tokyo, have demanded calm following weeks of protests that left the Japanese Embassy in Beijing and a consulate damaged.

Those demonstrations were prompted by new Japanese textbooks derided for allegedly whitewashing Tokyo's World War II-era abuses, opposition to Japan's campaign for a permanent U.N. Security Council seat and disputes over control of the East China Sea.


Official concern is especially acute as China marks the upcoming anniversary of an anti-Japanese protest on May 4, 1919, that has become a symbol of resistance to foreign domination.
"Express patriotism rationally. Don't take part in illegal protests. Don't make trouble," said a text message sent Saturday by Beijing police to millions of mobile phone users in the Chinese capital.
Warnings also were spread by text message and state media in several other cities.


Wednesday's anniversary is awkward for Chinese leaders because the protesters in 1919 complained that China's leaders were weak in the face of Japanese aggression -- a charge that current rulers are eager to avoid.
The 1919 protests erupted after Japan was awarded Germany's former colonies in China following World War I. Despite public pressure, Chinese leaders failed to recover territory from Tokyo, which expanded its control to much of China during the 1930s and early 1940s.

There was no word of any new protests Saturday. Last weekend also passed without demonstrations, following three weekends when thousands of people rallied in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities.
Police in Beijing and Shanghai denied rumors that they approved public gatherings and warned that demonstrators could face legal action.
北京や上海の公安当局は集会を許可し、デモに参加した人を訴追(legal action)したという噂を否定した。

Chinese leaders, including Premier Wen Jiabao, have expressed sympathy with the protesters' sentiments.
Some have suggested communist leaders might have allowed earlier protests to undermine Tokyo's Security Council campaign. But now they apparently fear that permitting more demonstrations might damage relations with Japan and encourage people with other grievances to take to the streets.

中国の指導者たちは、温家宝(Wen Jiabao)首相も含め、抗議行動を取る人たちに共鳴し続けてきた。
Korea and Japan Share Same Destiny
(The Chosun Ilbo - Wednesday, April 27, 2005)
(2005.4.27 日本語版記事)
President Roh Moo-hyun said on Wednesday, "Korea and Japan share the same destiny to jointly open the future in Northeast Asia." In a message to the Mindan Shimbun, a newspaper for Korean-Japanese, marking the issuance of the 2,500th edition of the paper, Roh added, "That future undoubtedly denotes peace and co-prosperity."

"It is true that this year commemorating the 60th anniversary of the nation's liberation from Japanese rule and 40th anniversary of formal Korea-Japan ties finds a lot of difficulties over Japan's historical conception," the chief executive said. "Be it a history issue or other issues, we must move forward in the direction that can help construct a new future."
水曜日、盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun)大統領は、「韓国と日本は東北アジアの未来をともに切り開いていくべき共同運命体」と述べた。
Some pundits interpreted the remarks as a shift in the government's policy toward Japan. "Nothing whatsoever has changed," commented presidential spokesman Kim Man-soo. "The intention remains firm not to hush up, but resolve basically the textbook and Dokdo islets issues."

Meanwhile, over a luncheon with civilian and official members of the countermeasures committee on making public documents related to the 1965 Korea-Japan Treaty, President Roh said, "It is uncertain if a legal obligation will emerge when the truth is clarified, but the government cannot evade its responsibility."

"Whether the full Korea-Japan Treaty documents are made public or not, the government must involve itself in one form or another and assume its responsibility on unresolved tasks. But the government has thus far been insufficient in its efforts and hidden even historical facts that it can bear," Roh said. So far, only part of the 1965 Korea-Japan Treaty has been released.

A 'Peaceful Rise'?
(The Washingtonpost.com editorial - Saturday, April 23, 2005)

CHINA'S PROMISE of a "peaceful rise" to great power status sounded reassuring when it was first articulated by President Hu Jintao. As it has taken on substance over the past several years it has rung increasingly hollow. Mr. Hu's idea of "peaceful" so far has included the blunt suppression of democracy in Hong Kong; outreach to rogue regimes around the world, such as Iran and Sudan; double-digit annual increases in defense spending; adoption of a law committing China to a war of aggression against democratic Taiwan if it fails to satisfy Beijing's demands; and now, the crude use of nationalist sentiment to intimidate Japan. Far from ensuring stability, Mr. Hu's policy risks polarizing the region and forcing the United States and other outside powers to choose sides.

超大国の地位への「平和的な台頭」という中国の約束は、それが胡錦濤(Hu Jintao)主席によって最初に明言されたときには頼もしいものだと思われた。
「平和的」という胡主席の意図はこれまでのところ、香港の香港民主化勢力の弾圧と、スーダンやイランのような世界の悪の政権に対する便宜供与、毎年2ケタの国防費増額、台湾の民主政府が北京(中国政府)の要求を満足させることに失敗した場合の軍事制裁のオプション(反国家分裂法/China's anti-secession law)を採択したことである。

No one should wish for such an outcome, but if it comes to that, the choice shouldn't be hard. Japan's democratic government, like Taiwan's, poses no threat to its neighbors, and Tokyo has shown a growing willingness in recent years to contribute to regional and global security. Though its nationalists still try to play down Japan's criminal aggression in the 1930s and '40s, and some textbooks cater to them, the government has repeatedly apologized to its neighbors for the offenses that occurred 60 and 70 years ago. On Friday Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi reiterated those apologies in an effort to defuse tensions with Beijing and pave the way for a meeting with Mr. Hu.


China has responded grudgingly to such conciliatory gestures, even though the crisis between the two countries -- the worst since they established diplomatic relations in 1972 -- is almost entirely of Beijing's making. It was Mr. Hu's government that chose to make an exaggerated fuss over the textbook issue, then allowed and even encouraged demonstrators to attack Japanese diplomatic missions and restaurants in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities. The popular hostility toward Japan that erupted in the streets was real enough, but Mr. Hu's government made the dangerous and irresponsible decision to stoke it and employ it for its own ends. These ends include thwarting Japan's justifiable bid to become a member of the U.N. Security Council and using nationalism to prolong one-party rule by the Communist Party.


Concern that the demonstrations might get out of hand and turn against the government seems to have motivated Mr. Hu finally to rein them in: Official statements now warn against "unauthorized" protests. But there is no indication that the Chinese leadership has absorbed the larger lesson: that crude bullying of Hong Kong, Taiwan or Japan is not a path to greater influence, much less a "peaceful rise," by China. It is, rather, a formula for uniting most of Asia and eventually the United States in an attempt to contain Chinese belligerence. That would be a bad outcome for the United States, for China, and for Asian and global security. Whether it can be avoided depends mostly on whether Mr. Hu can recognize and learn from a string of mistakes.


World War II STAND-OFF: Peace moves in Japan
(The Nation - Saturday, April 23, 2005)
by Kavi Chongkittavorn

Chinese stress importance of multinational venue for apology
China has responded positively to Japan's expression of "deep remorse and heartfelt apology," noting it was made at a multinational forum, a source said yesterday.
The source, who was present at yesterday's one-on-one meeting between Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Chinese President Hu Jintao, told The Nation that Thaksin asked Hu about his thoughts on Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's speech made early yesterday at the opening ceremony of the Asian-African summit here.
Hu said "it was the first time that Japan has made the statement in a multilateral forum," the source said.
The Thai delegation has taken the answer as a positive response to Koizumi's speech. It was the first time that China has made a positive reply to the Japanese government's inquiries over the anti-Japanese demonstration in Chinese cities.
タイのタクシン・チナワット(Thaksin Shinawatra)首相と、中国の胡錦濤(Hu Jintao)主席の会談に出席した関係者がネーション紙に語ったところによれば、タクシン首相が胡主席に、昨日のアジア・アフリカサミットにおける日本の小泉純一郎首相の演説をどう思ったか尋ねたところ、「中国は、多国間会議(アジア・アフリカサミット)における日本の「痛切なる反省と心からのお詫び」という言い回しを前向きに受け止めた。」と述べた。
さらに、この会談の関係者は「中国の胡錦濤(Hu Jintao)主席が、日本が(アジア・アフリカサミットのような)多国間会議の場でこのような発言をしたのは初めてだ。」とも述べ、「タイの代表団は小泉発言に対する前向きの反応としてこれを受け取った。中国が中国各地で起きている反日デモの中で日本政府の申し出に対して前向きな反応を示したのも初めてだ。」と語った。
Koizumi said in his speech, with the Chinese president looking on, that "in the past, Japan, through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly to those of Asian nations."
"Japan squarely faces these facts of history in a spirit of humility. And with feelings of deep remorse and heartfelt apology always engraved in mind, Japan has resolutely maintained, consistently since the end of World War II, never turning into a military power but an economic power," Koizumi said.
Ten years ago, former Japanese prime minister Tomiichi Murayama made a similar apology of "deep remorse" to the Chinese on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. It was considered the highest level of Japanese expression concerning the war.
Koizumi has asked for a summit with Hu at the Asian-African Summit to discuss their current tension over the widespread violent demonstrations against Japanese interests in China. But so far China has not yet given a precise answer.
However, the Thai source said the bilateral summit would be scheduled either today or early tomorrow morning before Hu leaves for a state visit to the Philippines.
"Regarding 60 years ago, the great damage it [Japan] has caused in Asian countries, including China, we welcome Koizumi's attitude," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Kong Quan said separately.
中国外交部の孔泉(Kong Quan)報道局長は、「60年前の戦争に関しては日本が中国を含めアジアの国々に大きな被害を与えたが、小泉首相の態度は歓迎する」と述べた。
China's Selective Memory
(The Washingtonpost.com - Monday, April 18, 2005)
By Fred Hiatt
China, a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, has made clear that it doesn't think Japan is deserving of similar status.

You might wonder why not. After all, Japan is one of the world's largest contributors of foreign aid and most generous backers of the United Nations, a successful democracy for more than a half-century, with a powerhouse economy and a constitution that forbids aggression.

But here's the problem, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao explained last week: "Japan needs to face up to history squarely." After another weekend of anti-Japanese protests and riots in China, China's foreign minister yesterday amplified that "the main problem now is that the Japanese government has done a series of things that have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people... especially in its treatment of history."
しかし、先週、中国の温家宝(Wen Jiabao)首相は問題があると言った。
Truth in history is an interesting standard for great-power status. One intriguing response would be for Japan to embrace it and suggest politely that, if China wants to keep its Security Council seat, it ought to do the same.

There's no doubt, as Premier Wen implied, that some Japanese have a hard time admitting the terrible things their troops did in China, Korea and other occupied Asian countries before and during World War II. Apologies sometimes seem to be mumbled, and textbooks sometimes minimize past crimes.
Recently, for example, Japan's education ministry approved a textbook that refers to the 1937 Nanjing Massacre as an "incident" during which "many" Chinese were killed, though some estimates of civilian deaths run as high as 300,000. News of these textbooks helped spark the anti-Japanese riots in Chinese cities.

But put the issue in some perspective: Many textbooks receive ministry approval in Tokyo, and no school is forced to use any particular one. Issues of war guilt or innocence, and of proper historiography, are debated endlessly and openly in Japanese newspapers, magazines and universities. Some Japanese demonstrate against politicians who won't go to Yasukuni Shrine -- where Japan's war dead, including some who were judged war criminals, are honored -- while other Japanese demonstrate against politicians who do go.
例えば最近、日本の文部科学省は、1937年の南京大虐殺(Nanjing Massacre)の記載を、ある推計によれば30万人もの市民が殺されているにもかかわらず、多くの中国人が殺されたうちの単なる出来事とした教科書を(検定で)認めた。
Compare this to the situation in Premier Wen's China. There is only one acceptable version of history, at least at any given time; history often changes, but only when the Communist Party decides to change it.

For example, according to a report by Howard W. French in the New York Times last December, many textbooks don't mention that anyone died at what the outside world knows as the 1989 massacre of student demonstrators near Tiananmen Square. One 1998 text notes only that "the Central Committee took action in time and restored calm." Anyone who challenges the official fiction is subject to harsh punishment, including beatings, house arrest or imprisonment.

And if the 300,000 victims of the Nanjing Massacre are slighted in some Japanese textbooks, what of the 30 million Chinese who died in famines created by Mao Zedong's lunatic Great Leap Forward between 1958 and 1962? No mention in Chinese texts; didn't happen.
例えば、昨年の12月のニューヨークタイムスのハワード・フレンチ氏の論文によれば、中国政府が1989年に天安門広場(Tiananmen Square)の近くでデモを行なった学生の大虐殺として、外部の世界は知っていること(天安門事件)で、誰が死んだかについては多くの教科書は触れていないと言う。
そして、いくつかの日本の教科書が南京大虐殺の30万人もの犠牲者を侮辱したと言うなら、1958年から1962年の間の毛沢東(Mao Zedong)の狂気の大躍進(Great Leap Forward)による大飢饉で3000万人もの死者が出たことはどうなのか?
Well, you might say, how a nation treats its internal history is less relevant to its qualifications for the Security Council than whether it teaches its children honestly about its wars with other nations. A dubious proposition, but no matter; as the Times found in its review of textbooks, Chinese children do not learn of their nation's invasion of Tibet (1950) or aggression against Vietnam (1979). And they are taught that Japan was defeated in World War II by Chinese Communist guerrillas; Pearl Harbor, Iwo Jima and Midway don't figure in.
"Facing up to history squarely" isn't easy for any country. Americans don't agree on how to remember the Confederacy. Russia can't yet admit to Soviet depredations in the Baltic republics. And, yes, Japan too often sees itself purely as a victim of World War II.

But in countries that permit open debate, historical interpretations can be constantly challenged, revised, maybe brought closer to the truth. In dictatorships that use history as one more tool to maintain power, there's no such hope.

China's Communists used to find it useful to vilify Russia in their history texts. These days, for reasons of China's aspirations to lead Asia, Japan makes a more convenient villain. Next year might be America's turn. The reasons may be complex, but none of them has much to do with facing history squarely.
China's persistent Japan syndrome
(Financial Times - Wednesday, April 13, 2005)
By Ian Buruma
What if the Japanese government apologised profusely and unconditionally for all the terrible things Japan did to China during the war? What if all Japanese textbooks described those wartime atrocities - the Nanking massacre, comfort women and so on - in full? What if Japan were to build lots of museums and memorials about Japanese war crimes committed in China, Korea, and south-east Asia? And what if Japan renounced all claims to disputed islands in the China Sea? Would this stop the Chinese from throwing stones at the Japanese embassy, or molesting Japanese students, or demonstrating against Japan’s bid for United Nations Security Council membership? Probably not. These outbursts of emotional and sometimes violent nationalism in China take place partly because they are the only expression of public protest the government allows.
Similar things can happen in a democracy too, of course, as they do in South Korea. When they occur, more or less spontaneously, neither the South Korean nor the Chinese government can afford to ignore them or stop them too forcefully. Hence the odd passivity of Chinese policemen when demonstrators smashed Japanese property in Beijing.
Sometimes, however, the Chinese and, to a lesser extent, the South Korean authorities deliberately inflame anti-Japanese passions to deflect attention from their own shortcomings. Nationalism, along with capitalist development, has become the only justification for the Chinese Communist Party’s monopoly on power, and when capitalism falters nationalism must be cranked up. Ever since Deng Xiaoping opened China’s door to foreign, especially Japanese, investment, and Marxist ideology faded into insignificance, "patriotic museums" have sprouted all over China - most of them dedicated to past Japanese atrocities.
ケ小平(Deng Xiaoping)が外国資本、特に日本人に中国市場を開放して以来、マルクス主義のイデオロギーは無意味なものになった。「愛国的博物館」は中国の至るところに発生し、その多くは過去の日本の残虐行為に対して愛国心を捧げることになったのだ。
Japan told to face up to past
(China Daily - Wednesday, April 13, 2005)
Zhao Huanxin in New Delhi and Hu Qihua in Beijing

Premier Wen Jiabao told Japan yesterday to "face up to history" and admit to the tremendous suffering it inflicted on people in China, Asia and the rest of the world during World War II. Wen also said Japan should reflect on the widespread protests throughout Asia over the last weeks.

Demonstrations erupted in some major cities in China at the weekend against Japan's perceived distortion of history and whitewashing of its wartime atrocities. Protesters in China and elsewhere in Asia have also spoken out against Japan's bid to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

"The strong responses from the Asian people should make the Japanese Government have deep and profound reflections," Wen told reporters in New Delhi, where he was wrapping up a four-day trip. "Only a country that respects history, takes responsibility for its past, and wins over the trust of the people of Asia and the world at large can take greater responsibility in the international community," he said.

昨日、温家宝(Wen Jiabao)首相は、日本は歴史を直視し、第二次世界大戦中に中国及びアジア並びにほかの地域の人たちに加えられたものが、大きな苦痛であると認めるように警告した。


In Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told yesterday's regular media briefing that the protests were "totally spontaneous", saying they were prompted by the Chinese public's dissatisfaction at "the bad practice and attitude adopted by the Japanese side on its history of aggression." "What I want to stress is that they (the protests) are not targeted against the Japanese people," Qin said.

When asked how Beijing would respond to Japanese demands for an apology and compensation for damage to the Japanese Embassy and other Japanese institutions in China, Qin said the Chinese Government has all long required the demonstrators to express their feelings in a calm, rational and orderly manner in accordance with the law. The relevant authorities have done a lot in this regard to ensure the security of Japanese institutes and citizens in China," he added.

"As for a few excessive actions during the demonstration, that is not what we wish to see." The spokesman said the Japanese side must seriously and properly handle the history of Japanese aggression against China and other major issues of principle bearing on the feelings of the Chinese people.
北京の中国外交部の秦剛(Qin Gang)副報道局長は、昨日の定例記者会見で「抗議デモは「総じて自発的」なものであり、一部の大衆が侵略の歴史などの問題における日本の誤った態度とやり方に不満を持ち行ったものである、と語った。



During yesterday's meeting with the President of Kyodo News Service Toyohiko Yamanouchi, State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan called upon Japan to accept its shameful past to allow the country to move forward when handling history-related issues and promote friendship between China and Japan. (China considers Japan's shrine visit as crux of difficult relationship)

共同通信の山内豊彦社長との昨日の会見で、唐家セン(Tang Jiaxuan)国務委員は、日中間の友好を促進し、歴史が残した問題を処理するならば、日本が恥ずべき過去を受け入れることだ、と求めた。(唐家セン氏、対日デモの具体的原因を語る
This year marks the 60th anniversary of anti-fascist resistance and China's victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Invasion (1937-45).

In March, on the sidelines of the third annual session of the 10th National People's Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao indicated that the relationship with Japan is one of the most important bilateral relationships for China and made three suggestions for improvement of bilateral ties: conditions should be created in order to promote high-level exchanges and visits, the two countries should work together to launch strategic studies concerning ways and means to promote friendship between the two countries, and the historical issue should be appropriately handled. (High-level Visits Between China, Japan Urged)
3月に行なわれた第10期全国人民代表大会第3回会議の際に、温家宝(Wen Jiabao)首相は、中国にとって日本は最も重要なニ国間関係の一つであり、関係改善のために3つの提案を示した。
  • 中日両国のハイレベル間の相互訪問を促進するための環境を整える。
  • 中日両国の外交部門が協力して、中日友好の戦略的研究を強化する。
  • 歴史が残した問題を適切に処理する。
Roh Blasts Japan in German Press
(The Chosun Ilbo - Friday, April 8, 2005)
(2005.4.8 日本語版記事)
President Roh Moo-hyun aimed a broadside at Japan in the German press Friday when he told a newspaper it was "a great misfortune that the entire world has to live with those who consider their past acts of aggression glorious."
"Japan's attitude doesn't accord with the universal values human society needs to seek," Roh told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung referring to a spat with the country over attempts to whitewash its history in school textbooks. He said Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's visits to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine dedicated to the island country's war dead "are a tremendous insult to Korea and China." The shrine houses memorials to war criminals.
金曜日、盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun)大統領は、「侵略を輝かしい過去と考える人たちと一緒に生きるのは全世界にとって大きな不幸」とドイツ報道陣に対して日本に対して強く非難した。
また、盧大統領は、フランクフルター・アルゲマイネ紙(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)に対し、「日本の態度は人類社会が共に追求すべき普遍的価値にそぐわない」と、日本の教科書で自身の歴史をごまかそうとしていることを引き合いに出してそう述べた。

"I admire how Germany resolved matters regarding its history while improving relations with its neighbors, overcoming the internal tension that resulted in the process," Roh told the FAZ.

Turning to stalled six-party talks on North Korean nuclear disarmament, Roh said this was not the time for Pyongyang to demand of the U.S. new concessions. "North Korea must first return to the table of the six-party talks." But he also reiterated he was ready to meet Kim Jong-il if the North Korean leader asks, saying, "I am prepared to meet with Kim Jong-il anytime, but I will not propose first."
盧大統領は、北朝鮮の核問題の解決が進展しない六ヶ国協議(the six-party talks)に取り掛かるならば、アメリカは平壌(北朝鮮)に新しい譲歩を要求するときではない。また、北朝鮮は六ヶ国協議のテーブルに最初に戻って来なければならない、と言った。
しかし、盧大統領は金正日(Kim Jong-il)総書記が望むなら会う準備をしていた、と繰り返し言った。


[今日の一言 月別インデックスへ]

