in the remains of Hierapolis

8/28(Wed) visit to remains of ancient city of Hierapolis
Pamukkale 19:15-(Bus)-7:45+ Nevsehir
Lodging (on the bus)
Major expense(s) Bus / Pamukkale-Nevsehir: 60,000TL=1,800Yen
Hierapolis Museum: 3,000TL=90Yen
Related Sites General Links - Europe Turkey Pamukkale

Hierapolis, Pamukkale  The remains of circular theatre is one of the ancient monuments of .
If it is restored, it may be put to use as something of a meeting ground, but it is in utter disrepair then.
As you go out of here and go up a slope, you can find some other monuments.
Visitors were fewer in any of the monuments of than in the limestone terraces, and there was not any souvenir shop.
So it might have appeared because of summer then, but if we had been there in autumn, it might not have changed much.
Finally, we entered the museum, but we had hardly an interest in the monuments.

  Getting to Cappadocia from Pamukkale, it seems that many tourists take nothing but a bus.
Bus tickets are also available at a ticket office in bus station (otogar) on the day of departure.
However, since bus services on that section seems to be crowded, it would be better to go to bus station (otogar) early.
Needless to say, you might think what to do if the seats of night buses were all reserved.
Well, there is some trains if you go to Denizli, but Turkish State Railways seems to be so inconvenient.

Those are sort of letch figure, aren't they?

8/29(Thu) Cappadocia all day tour by Tulip Information
Lodging (unrecorded) / 17,000TL (510Yen) per night
Major expense(s) tour charge: 100,000TL=3,000Yen (lunch excluded)
Related Sites General Links - Europe Turkey Cappadocia

  The towns of Nevsehir, Avanos, Göreme, Ürgüp and Uçhisar are all bases for exploring Cappadocia.
Nevsehir is a regional transport hub and provincial town of this area among them.
In short, if you get to Nevsehir by a long-distance bus like us, it would be just as well to change buses for other town, or to make reservations for guided tour at any travel agency in this town.
Incidentally, if you get to Cappadocia by train or plane, Kayseri is also gateway to there.

Goreme Open-air Museum, Cappadocia Goreme Open-air Museum, Cappadocia

   We booked "Cappadocia All Day Tour" at travel agency "Tulip Information" which was close to bus station (otogar) of Nevsehir.
This tour contained excursion mainly to Göreme, Avanos and Zelve, excluding any Underground Cities.
Tourists who came from many countries got on board the tour bus, I was surprised by boarding many Hong Kong's university students among them.
Because I had no knowledge that Asian university students make overseas trip except Japanese.
This scene seemed to stand for Asian economy have expanded in the 1990s.
Incidentally, it was impossible for us to understand what tour guide spoke in English.
Then, we regret that we missed such a rare chance to talk with solitary American woman traveler, though she talked to us first.
I try to study English conversation after going back Japan, I wonder?

Goreme Open-air Museum, Cappadocia Zelve, Cappadocia

  The first thing that comes to mind is the Göreme Valley when Cappadocia is mentioned.
There is a great number of church sites and these sites adorn with paintings.
It is said that Elmali Church, Yulanli Church, Karanlik Church (Dark Church Monastery) and Carikli Church are in a good state of preservation among them.
Then, as you go out of any churches, there have been spread with strange formed many rocks .
these sights present a grand spectacle.
Needless to say, we kept on taking such a picture.

  We had a lunch in Avanos where is known for handicraft.
If you choose tour with a lunch, tour guide take you to restaurant, on the other hand if you choose tour without a lunch, you may be looking for restaurant yourself.
If you would like to some restaurants for the locals, you might choose tour without a lunch.
In case of that, you might not think about drinking because Turkey is Muslim country in the first place.
Therefore we visited some studio in Avanos, if we had much time, it could have been possible to try to make a pottery.

   In Zelve, there are most striking monument in Cappadocia which is like a fairy chimney with triple rock caps.
When I saw it first time, I felt it to be sort of letch because it looks like muscle of love (men's genitals).
By the way, some souvenir in the shape of it are sold at road market, you should not forget to bargain with them over the price.

  If you don't mind hotel runners taking you to lodging, you can find one wherever you want.
Then, we stayed some lodging in Ürgüp where hotel runner brought us.
It was reasonable price that lodging expense was 17,000TL (510Yen), including breakfast and our room was with shower and toilet.
If you don't like hotel runners' guidance, you might also book a lodging at travel agency before you join a sightseeing tour.
Because any hotel runners aren't so indulgent that tourists browse through the guide book on the street.
Then, it would be better to take care that sightseeing tour and restaurant by their guidance are not always reasonable even if lodging expense is reasonable.

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