Be stomach-churning!

8/30(Fri) visit to Kaymakli Underground Cities by chartered taxi /
Nevsehir 12:30-(Bus)-18:30 Ankara
Lodging Olimpiyat / 37,000TL (1,110Yen) per night
Major expense(s) Chartered taxi: 60,000TL=1,800Yen
Bus / Nevsehir-Ankara: 25,000TL=750Yen
Related Sites General Links - Europe Turkey Ankara Cappadocia

  Since tourists seldom buy anything at a fixed price in Turkey, bargaining is very important.
However, if each other's agreement is broken unilaterally, it is only cheat.
Matter of fact, when we went to Kaymakli Underground Cities by chartered taxi, we were likely to get ripped off by taxi driver.
He charged more than twice or three times over our estimate, but we didn't pay overcharges due to my friend's protest.
We were known how much Japanese are taken for a fool by this matter.
He thought Japanese seem to be such a sucker because Japanese are not good at English and no protest.
Japan's proverb should change "Silence is golden" into "All evil comes from silence."
Moreover, it is correct that the latter is "Open your mouth too often and you're likely to put your foot in it." in Japan, but it seems to be wrong out of Japan.

Kaymakli Underground Cities, Cappadocia  We used chartered taxi from Ürgüp to via Kaymakli for sightseeing on that say.
Well, this taxi driver was as already stated, and our estimate was within the range from 60,000TL (1,800Yen) to 70,000TL (2,100Yen).
By now we don't know whether even this price was overcharges or not.
Whether or no, he was fundamentally different from friendly taxi driver in Marmaris.

  In underground cities, chambers (chapels, cellars, silos and living rooms etc) are linked with each other by narrow corridors.
These must have been constructed for security purposes by an enemy, and the openings were closed by huge stones.
So these stones are laid down now.
Well, it's OK to drop in here if you have a chance.
If possible, you might choose any guided tour including here when you make a reservation it.

  Getting to Ankara from Nevsehir, it took about 6 hours by bus then.
Now that Ankara isn't necessarily main sightseeing places, you might go direct to Istanbul if you are bothered by traveling long-distance.
Of course it is the best way if you wish to fly to Istanbul.
By the way, if you already booked passage by Turkish Airlines, you need to reconfirm by 3 days before departure.
If you are budget traveler like us, it would be better to ask for reconfirmation at airlines office.

Kemal Atatürk, he is Mr. President of Turkey.

8/31(Sat) sightseeing in Ankara
Ankara 22:20-(TCDD/Ankara Ekspresi)-8:00+ Istanbul(Haydarpasa)
Lodging (on the train)
Major expense(s) TCDD/Ankara Ekspresi (first-class sleeping car): 115,000TL=3,450Yen
Related Sites General Links - Europe Turkey Ankara

  Matter of fact, there is not so much sightseeing places in Ankara.
It's OK to visit to Ankara Citadel and Anitkabir (Atatürk Mausoleum) at the most.
Well, there is a department store in the Kizilay quarter of the city, it is a big opportunity for tourists to know Turkish prices because most of items are sold at list price.
Now that Ankara is also business city rather than sightseeing place, and there are a few touts, it is good for tourists to relax.

Anitkabir, Ankara  As we went up to Ankara Citadel, beautiful panoramic scene stretched as far as the eye could see from the top.
There are also many fine traditional architecture within the citadel walls, the locals are living there.
Some peddlers came close to us, but they were a pretty girls.
Should I feel pity for them who have worked from early childhood, or do their parents use them as an excuse to outreach?
Though this area is quiet old town, such things are Turkish, right?

  Anitkabir (Atatürk Mausoleum) was set up in honor of Kemal Atatüre, founder of the Republic of Turkey.
He is hero in Turkey, however, does such a person appear among Japan's politician?
Now that there is Japan's proverb "Don't make waves.", I cannot calculate such a thing, right?

  Ankara station was deserted because train services was inconvenient than bus services in Turkey.
However, we intend to travel to Istanbul from here in a first-class sleeping car of "Ankara Ekspresi (Express)."
So night buses have a reclining seat, but sleeping car is rather comfortable.
In Japan, if you travel to Osaka from Tokyo in a first-class sleeping car of express "Ginga," you end up paying for 631,300TL (\18,940).

In Istanbul where the city looked dim in the rain.

9/1(Sun) sightseeing in Istanbul (Haghia Sofia, Blue Mosque)
Lodging (unrecorded) / 25,000TL (750Yen) per night
Major expense(s) Haghia Sofia: 10,000TL=300Yen
Blue Mosque: 10,000TL=300Yen
Related Sites General Links - Europe Turkey Istanbul

  When we arrived in Istanbul, where looked dim in a downpour of rain.
I have left my umbrella in Japan because I believed it almost never rain in the summer in Turkey.
In Japan, everybody can buy an umbrella at train station whenever they want, but I was not able to buy one anywhere at Hydarpasa station in Istanbul.
In addition, there is a lot of tout and peddler in the city, far from umbrella, I'm likely to end up buying some carpets.
Finally, I bought a used umbrella for 25,000TL (750Yen) from Japanese-speaking peddler.
I had no other choice, but it seemed to cost the same as lodging expense for tonight.

Aya Sofia (Haghia Sofia), Istanbul Sultanahmet (Blue Mosque), Istanbul
Haghia Sofia (Aya Sofia) Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet Camii)

  Istanbul was the former capital of three successive empires - Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman.
Today Istanbul has many legacy of its past.
One of these legacies is Haghia Sofia (Aya Sofia) and Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet).

Haghia Sofia (Aya Sofia) is the ancient Byzantine church, built in 535 AD, which was later converted to a mosque with the addition of minarets.
The structure with its immense dome is a museum today, and is no longer used as a place of  worship (salat).
Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet Camii) is the 17th century mosque, near Haghia Sophia, is famous for the beautiful blue tile work ornamenting its walls.
This was also built on the orders of Sultan Ahmet the First and still bearing his name.
Its surrounding six slim minarets distinguish it from other mosques which normally have two or four minarets.

  It was still downpour of rain, but many people were calm without an umbrella outside. 
There are a lot of other sightseeing places in the city, but we spent our energy because of tired from traveling by night train and sightseeing in the rain.
At a time like this, we can do no better than having forty winks at lodging.
Well, it often seemed to have hard luck because of taking budget hotels in large city.
Now that both of our room and shared bathroom were unclean in the lodging, we got depressed.
Then we didn't repair our spirits for moving in the rain again.

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