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General Links about Asian countries | Links about Southeast Asian countries | Links about other Asian Countries |
Web Directory: China Pages (http://www.chinapages.com/)
China Hotels Reservation (http://www.sinohotel.com/)
China Hotel Reservation, Tourism and Travels (http://www.sinohotelguide.com/)
China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) (http://en.cnta.gov.cn/)
China National Tourist Office (CNTO) (http://www.cnto.org/)
China Net - China's Official Gateway to News and Information (http://www.china.org.cn/)
China Railways Official Site (Chinese only) (http://www.tielu.org/)
China Travel Depot (China CYTS Tours) (http://www.chinatraveldepot.com/)
China travel guide and tourist information (http://www.orientaltravel.com/)
Railways of China (http://www.railwaysofchina.com/)
Travel China Guide (http://www.travelchinaguide.com/)
San Xia/Three Gorges and surroundings
Chongqing Travel Guide (http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/chongqing.htm)
Yangtze Three Gorges Cruises (http://www.yangtzerivertour.com/)
Shanghai Airport Authority (http://www.shanghaiairport.com/)
Airport Buses (China Airline Travel - Pudong Airport Bus Hongqiao Airport Bus)
Shanghai Cultural Information (http://www.culture.sh.cn/)
Shanghai Expat (http://www.shanghai.alloexpat.com/)
Shanghai Highlights (http://www.shanghaihighlights.com/)
Shanghai Hotels (http://www.shanghaihotelweb.com/)
Shanghai Metro (http://www.shmetro.com/)
Shanghai Municipal Government (http://www.shanghai.gov.cn/)
Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration (http://lyw.sh.gov.cn/)
Shanghai Public Transport Card (Chinese only) (http://www.sptcc.com/)
Shanghai Sightseeing Bus Center (http://www.chinassbc.com/)
Shenzhen Baoan International Airport (http://www.szairport.com/)
Shenzhen Government Online (http://www.sz.gov.cn/)
Shenzhen Metro (Chinese only) (http://www.szmc.net/)
UrbanRail.Net - Shenzhen (http://www.urbanrail.net/as/shen/shenzhen.htm)
Shenzhen Splendid China Folk Culture Village (http://www.cn5000.com.cn/)
International Bus Service between Hong Kong and Guangdong Province
24-hour Cross-Border Express (Chinese only) (http://www.24hourexpress.com.hk/)
China Travel Tours Transportation Services (http://ctsbus.hkcts.com/)
Motor Transport Company of Guangdong and Hong Kong (MTC) (http://www.gdhkmtc.com/)
Trans-Island Limousine Service (http://www.trans-island.com.hk/)
Tung Wing Tat Transportation (http://www.tungwingtat.com.hk/)
Zhuhai Airport (http://www.zhairport.com/)
Zhuhai City Information (http://www.zhuhai.gov.cn/)
Zhihai Tourism Bureau (http://www.visitzhuhai.com/)
The handover of Hong Kong to China on July 1th, 1997.
Web Directory: Hong Kong Enterprise Directory (http://hked.pacim.com/)
Web Directory: Hong Kong Yellow Pages (http://www.yp.com.hk/)
A Complete City Guide of Hong Kong (http://www.hkstreet.com/)
Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry (http://www.hkkf.com.hk/)
Hong Kong City Bus (http://www.citybus.com.hk/)
Hong Kong District Food Guide (http://www.hongkongfoodguide.com/)
Hong Kong Ferry Terminal (http://www.raymond-kwok.net/ferry/main.htm)
Hong Kong Hotels Association (http://www.hkha.com.hk/)
Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok (http://www.hongkongairport.com/)
Hong Kong Map (http://www.ypmap.com/)
Hong Kong Tourism Board (http://www.discoverhongkong.com/)
Hong Kong Tramways (http://www.hktramways.com/)
i-busnet.com (http://www.i-busnet.com/)
KCR (Kowloon-Canton Railway) (http://www.kcrc.com/)
KMB (Kowloon Motor Bus) (http://www.kmb.hk/)
MTR Corporation Limited (http://www.mtr.com.hk/)
New World First Travel (http://www.nwft.com.hk/)
New World First Bus (http://www.nwfb.com.hk/)
New World First Ferry Services (http://www.nwff.com.hk/)
Octopus Card (http://www.octopuscards.com/)
If you keep the Octopus Card, it is valid for 3 years from the last add-value date.
Therefore a refund handling fee of HK$7 will be charged if it is returned within three months from the date of issue.
QTSA/Quality Tourism Services Association (http://www.qtsa.com/)
Start at Bus (http://hk.geocities.com/city8888/index.html)
The Peak Hong Kong (http://www.thepeak.com.hk/)
The Star Ferry (http://www.starferry.com.hk/)
Time Out Hong Kong (http://www.timeout.com/hongkong/)
Transport Department in Hong Kong (http://www.info.gov.hk/td/)
Travel in Sai Kung (http://www.travelinsaikung.org.hk/)
Turbo Jet (http://www.turbojet.com.hk/)
Turbo JET Sea Express (http://www.turbojetseaexpress.com.hk/)
It runs between Hong Kong International Airport and Shenzhen / Macau.
Waterfalls of Hong Kong (http://hkwaterfall.net/)
Registration for Automated Passenger Clearance System (e-Channel) for Non-residents (2013.6.28)
Web Directory: Macau Yellow Pages (http://www.yp.com.mo/en/)
![]() |
When you go to Macau, there is no left baggage center at ferry terminals. If you would like to leave your baggage(s), you can use left baggage service at Hong Kong Station or Kowloon Station of Airport Express. |
City Guide of Macau (http://www.cityguide.gov.mo/)
Cotai Jet (http://cotaijet.com.mo/)
Macau Government Tourist Office (http://www.macautourism.gov.mo/)
Macau International Airport (http://www.macau-airport.gov.mo/)
Macau Tourist Guide (http://www.macautouristguide.com/)
Macau Travel Guide (http://www.macau.com/)
Korail - Korea Railroad (http://info.korail.com/2007/eng/eng_index.jsp)
Korea Airports Corporation (KAC) (http://gimpo.airport.co.kr/doc/www_eng/)
Korea National Tourism Organization (http://www.visitkorea.or.kr/)
Korean Online (http://www.zkorean.com/)
Life in Korea (http://www.lifeinkorea.com/)
What's On Korea (http://www.whatsonkorea.com/)
2002 World Cup Venue Cities (except Busan, Incheon, Seoul and Suwon)
Chonju/Jeonju City (http://www.jeonju.go.kr/)
Daegu (http://www.daegu.go.kr/)
Daejeon (http://www.daejeon.go.kr/)
Gwangju (http://eng.gjcity.net/)
Seogwipo - Cheju/Jeju (http://www.jeju.go.kr/)
Ulsan (http://www.ulsan.go.kr/)
Busan City Tour (http://www.citytourbusan.com/)
Busan Metropolitan City (http://www.visit.busan.kr/)
Busan Transportation Corporation (http://www.humetro.busan.kr/english/)
Covea Cruise (Busan sightseeing cruise) (http://www.coveacruise.com/)
JR Kyushu Jet Ferry (Fukuoka-Busan) (http://www.jrbeetle.co.jp/english/)
Seoul and Incheon
Gimpo International Airport (http://gimpo.airport.co.kr/doc/gimpo_eng/)
Hi Seoul, Soul of Asia (http://english.seoul.go.kr/)
Incheon City Government (http://www.incheon.go.kr/)
Incheon International Airport (http://www.airport.or.kr/)
Korail Airport Railroad (http://www.arex.or.kr/)
Official Seoul City Tourism (http://english.visitseoul.net/)
Seoul City Tour Bus (http://www.seoulcitybus.com/)
Seoul Metropolitan Government (http://www.visitseoul.net/)
Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation (http://www.smrt.co.kr/Eng/index.jsp)
Seoul Metropolitan Subway (http://www.seoulsubway.co.kr/)
Walker-hill Casino (http://www.seoulcasino.co.kr)
Suwon City Government (http://eng.suwon.ne.kr/)
Suwon Hwaseong Fortress (http://ehs.suwon.ne.kr/)
Suwon Trafic Information Center (Korean only) (http://www.swtic.or.kr/)
Travel Agents for inbound vacation trips in Taiwan | |
English information available |
Other listed agents by e-Genting.com (Chinese information only) |
Central Wether Bureau (http://www.cwb.gov.tw/)
Government Information Office (http://www.gio.gov.tw/)
Information for Foreigners in Taiwan (http://iff.immigration.gov.tw/)
Lotteries of Taiwan - Uniform-Invoice Prize Winning Numbers (http://www.etax.nat.gov.tw/etwmain/front/ETW183W6)
My Taiwan Hotels (http://www.mytaiwanhotels.com/)
National Forest Recreation Area (http://www1.forest.gov.tw/)
National Scenic Area in Taiwan (http://info.taiwan.net.tw/NSA2006/0717/index.html)
Taiwan Fun (http://www.taiwanfun.com/)
Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (http://www.thsrc.com.tw/)
Taiwan Highway Bus Information System (http://www.taiwanbus.tw/)
Taiwan Hotels Web Site (http://www.taiwanhotels.ws/)
Taiwan Map - Your ultimate guide to Taiwan (http://www.taiwan-map.com/)
Taiwan Railway Administration (http://www.railway.gov.tw/)
TRA common words Chinese English Dictionary (http://www.railway.gov.tw/Pingtung/CP.aspx?SN=12287)
Taiwan Romanization (pinyin) and Culture (http://www.romanization.com/)
(How to spell Taiwan's place names correctly.)
Taiwan Tour Information (http://taiwan.wcn.com.tw/)
Taiwan Tourism Bureau (http://www.taiwan.net.tw/)
Taiwan tourist & travel guide for Taiwan (http://www.orientaltravel.com/China/Taiwan.htm)
Travel in Taiwan (http://www.sinica.edu.tw/tit/index.html)
yoyo e-trafic (Chinese only) (http://yoyonet.biz/)
Chia Yi and Alishan
Alishan Forest Railway (http://www.ht-alishan.com.tw/)
Alishan National Sceareanic Area (http://www.ali.org.tw/)
Alishan Taiwan (http://www.orientaltravel.com/province/city/area/TaiwanAlishan.htm)
Chiayi City Governmnet Web (http://www.chiayi.gov.tw/)
Travel in Taiwan (TiT) - Scenery Alishan (http://www.sinica.edu.tw/tit/scenery/0497_Alishan.html)
Yushan National Park (http://www.ysnp.gov.tw/)
Welcome to Chia Yi County (http://www.cyhg.gov.tw/)
Kaohsiung and Southern Taiwan
Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area - Hengchun Peninsula Route (http://www.tbnsa.gov.tw/)
Kaohsiung International Airport (http://www.kia.gov.tw/)
Kaohsiung County (http://www.kscg.gov.tw/)
Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (http://www.krtco.com.tw/)
Kenting National Park (http://www.ktnp.gov.tw/)
Maolin National Scenic Area (http://www.maolin-nsa.gov.tw/)
Tainan City Tour (http://tour.tncg.gov.tw/)
Taitung Tourism Bureau (http://tour.taitung.gov.tw/)
Tourism Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government (http://khh.travel/?l=2)
Welcome to Kaohsiung (http://www.kcg.gov.tw/)
Hualien and Taroko Gorge
East Coast National Scenic Area (http://www.eastcoast-nsa.gov.tw/)
Huadong Valley National Scenic Area (http://www.erv-nsa.gov.tw/)
Hualien Airport (http://www.hulairport.gov.tw/)
Hualien County Government (http://www.hl.gov.tw/)
Hualien County Tourist Information (http://tour-hualien.hl.gov.tw/)
Travel in Taiwan (TiT) - Scenery Taroko (http://www.sinica.edu.tw/tit/scenery/0397_Taroko.html)
Taroko National Park (http://www.taroko.gov.tw/)
Penghu Islands
Magong Airport (http://www.mkport.gov.tw/)
Penghu County Government (http://www.penghu.gov.tw/en/)
Penghu National Scenic Area (http://www.penghu-nsa.gov.tw/)
Penghu Tour Web (http://tour.penghu.gov.tw/)
Taichung and surroundings
Culture and Tourism Buresu of Miaoli (http://miaolitravel.net/)
Hsinchu City Government (http://en.hccg.gov.tw/)
Sun Moon Lake (Riyuetan) National Scenic Area (http://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw/)
Taichung City Government Tourism Office (http://travel.taichung.gov.tw/)
Travel in Changhua County (http://tourism.chcg.gov.tw/)
Tri-Mountain National Scenic Area (http://www.trimt-nsa.gov.tw/)
Taipei e-Bus System (http://www.e-bus.taipei.gov.tw/)
Taipei City Government (http://english.taipei.gov.tw/)
Taipei City Government - Bureau of Transportation (http://www.dot.taipei.gov.tw/)
Taipei Rapid Transit (http://www.trtc.com.tw/)
Taipei Sung Shan Airport (http://www.tsa.gov.tw/)
Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/)
Taoyuan County Government Tourism Promotion Bureau (http://travel-taoyuan.tycg.gov.tw/)
Yang Ming Shan National Park (http://www.ymsnp.gov.tw/)
Yilan and surroundings
Government of Jiaosi (Chinese only) (http://jiaosi.e-land.gov.tw/)
Northeast Coast National Scenic Area (http://www.necoast-nsa.gov.tw/)
Yilan tourism (http://tourism.e-land.gov.tw/)
Yilan tourist information (Chinese only) (http://yilan.travelliving.org/)
Yilan Country Government (http://www.e-land.gov.tw/)