Direct Dialing)を表す。
Phone numbers are usually written in this format: +216-(0)1-XXXXXX.
This expresses the numbers used for both
international and national long-distance
In the example, +216 indicates the country
code, while (0) indicates the NDD (National
Direct Dialing).
When dialing from outside the country, the NDD would not be used after
dialing the country code; when dialing from within that country, the NDD
would be used, but the country code would not.
Bloomberg Japan (http://www.bloomberg.com/jp/)
Credit Information Center (CIC) (http://www.cic.co.jp/)
Global Refund (http://www.globalrefund.com/)
世界の銀行休業日 (http://www.saijitsu.net/index.htm)
海外携帯電話販売のモッシー (http://www.intense.co.jp/)
国際電話カントリーコード (http://www.machiawasepoint.com/ccc/)
世界の紙幣紹介 (http://banknotes.visithp.jp/)
電話番号検索&国際電話情報 (http://www.japan-post.com/tel/)
ワールドリンク国際電話サービス (http://www.worldlink-tel.com/)
Master Card / Cirrus (http://www.mastercard.com/)
Financial products, services, tips, ATM Locations and other card information
Nokia on the Web (http://www.nokia.com/)
Nokia Japan (日本語) (http://www.nokia.co.jp/)
Nokia is the world's leading mobile phone supplier and a leading supplier of mobile and fixed telecom networks including related customer services.
Visa International / Plus (http://www.visa.com/)
Visa International Japan (日本語) (http://www.visa.co.jp/)
Worldwide resources for travel, shopping, and sports plus the latest in innovative financial technology and links to online financial institutions.
American Express (http://www.americanexpress.com/)
American Express offers individuals online access to its world-class Card, Financial, and Travel services, including financial advice, retirement planning, air and hotel reservations and more.
Cybercafes.com (http://www.cybercafe.com/)
This site contains a database of 4208 internet cafes in 140 countries.
Cybercafes guide (http://www.world66.com/netcafeguide)
This book - the Internet Cafe Guide - is the solution - it lists 2.000 Internet cafes in 113 countries worldwide.
e-worldbanknotes (http://www.e-worldbanknotes.com/)
E-Worldbanknotes.com is primarily dedicated to serving the "on-line" internet community of collectors of worldbanknotes. This site contains many bank note images.
Help for World Travelers (http://www.kropla.com/)
This site includes a international phone guide, electric power guide, dialing codes and prefixes, television standards, photo galleries, and other travel resources.
Infobel World - Telephone Directories (http://www.infobel.com/)
Phone books from all around the world. Yellow pages, white pages, fax listings, business directories, email addesses and more. Alphabetic, residential, classified, people, companies, reverse search, search by address, many international countries.
International Benefits.com (http://www.internationalbenefits.com/)
International Benefits makes travel insurance, and international medical coverage convenient and affordable.
Oanda.com (http://www.oanda.com/)
Currency Converters with Exchange Rates for over 164 world currencies, charts, foreign exchange and advanced forecasting services.
Phonebook of the World.com (http://www.phonebookoftheworld.com/)
This site prvides worldwide phonebook in English, French, German, Spanish and Italiano.
The Universal Currency Converter (http://www.xe.net/ucc/)
The Universal Currency Converter allows you to perform interactive foreign exchange rate conversion on the Internet.
Travel Insured International (http://www.travelinsured.com/)
World class Travel Insurance products at affordable prices. Designed for domestic and international travel.
World Travel Center (http://www.worldtravelcenter.com/)
Purchase travel insurance, international medical insurance, and travel protection plans online.
Worldwide Travel Insurance (http://www.worldwideinsure.com/)
We specialise in travel insurance, ensuring that our customers receive the best rates.
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オブベースメディカ (http://www.obm-med.co.jp/)
海外渡航者のための医療情報サービス (http://malaria.himeji-du.ac.jp/IPublic/malaria-net-j/home.html)
海外の病院検索 (http://www.hcpg.jp/hospital/)
厚生労働省検疫所 (http://www.forth.go.jp/)
Dr.赤ひげホームページ (http://www.drakahige.com)
みのりの広場 (http://www.eminori.com/)
ウェルビー株式会社 (http://www.wellbemedic.com/)
BBC - Health - Travel Home Page (http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/travel_health/)
All content within BBCi HEALTH is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional.
BUPA UK private health insurance (http://www.bupa.co.uk/)
BUPA can cover the cost of your health care if you live, work or retire abroad. Our travel insurance covers you wherever in the world you want to go.
CDC Travelers' Health (http://www.cdc.gov/travel/)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information on outbreaks, specific diseases, recommended vaccinations, and traveling with children and pets. Presented by the National Center for Infectious Diseases.
Net Doctor (http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/)
NetDoctor.co.uk is the UK's largest independent medical information service on the Net. It includes facts about diseases, health and medicine, written by leading doctors in a comprehensive and concise language.
ProMED Mail (http://www.promedmail.org/)
Searchable database alerts and updates is free of charge. Useful for those living in or travelling to afflicted areas.
Safemedication.com (http://www.safemedication.com)
Extensive and reliable drug information and key medication safety tips for consumers provided by health-system pharmacists.
Travel Health Online (http://www.tripprep.com/)
Health and safety information answering questions about immunizations and disease risk as you prepare for travel abroad.
WebMD - Health has a homepage (http://my.webmd.com/)
For all aspects of your health - from the daily effort to keep your life in balance, to those crucial times when you're making decisions about medical care for yourself and your family.
Electronic Money, or E-Money, and Digital Cash (http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/emoney.html)
This site provides directory of E-Money questions and answers, and payment systems and organisations.
PayPal.com (http://www.paypal.com/)
PayPal lets you send money to anyone using a Palm organizer. PayPal is free and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and bank account. You can settle debts, borrow cash, divide bills or split expenses with friends all without going to an ATM or looking for your checkbook.
ProPay.com (http://www.propay.com)
ProPay gives you the power to process credit card payments for purchases made online and in-person. Your ProPay Commerce Account will enable you to accept payments from everyone.
海外渡航者ホームページ (http://www.pubanzen.mofa.go.jp/)
海外旅行犯罪事件簿 (http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~hanzai/)
Council on Foreign Relations (http://www.cfr.org/)
This site takes no institutional position on policy issues and has no affiliation with the U.S. government.
Executive Travel Security Manual (http://travelsecurity.org/)
Now more than ever, travelers - especially business travelers - need to be aware of security threats and take steps to ensure their safety.
Foreign travel advice for UK citizens (https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice)
Latest travel advice by country including safety and security, entry requirements, travel warnings and health
iJET Travel Intelligence (http://www.ijet.com/)
iJET gathers travel-related information from over 5,000 worldwide sources, verifies it, analyzes it and transforms it into travel intelligence.
Robert Young Pelton’s Come Back Alive (http://www.comebackalive.com/)
For adventurers only. The web's only guide to the least traveled places on Earth.
We provide Country Specific Information for every country of the world.
AZ旅行情報館 (http://www.tourj.com/)
Hello! from Japan (http://www.j-herb.com/japan.htm)
インターネット国際情報銀行 (http://www.iiib.com/)
海外移住情報 (http://www.interq.or.jp/tokyo/ystation/)
海外旅行好き、集まれ (http://www.ike2.com/)
海外旅行情報ポータルサイト タビプラス!(http://www.tabiplus.com/)
車椅子での世界旅行 (http://www.kijikiji.com/)
子連れ海外旅行ノウハウ集 (http://homepage2.nifty.com/kobu/)
【旅たびNET】旅の総合コミュニケーションサイト (http://www.tabitabi.net/)
東京海外旅行研究会 (http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Oasis/2229/)
横浜海外旅行研究会 (http://www33.ocn.ne.jp/~asks/)
旅行人 (http://www.ryokojin.co.jp/)
旅行作家の蔵前仁一氏が作ったバックパッカーやBudget Travelerのための情報交換サイト
Family Travel Files (http://www.thefamilytravelfiles.com/)
This site provides worldwide family vacation options. It includes an e-zine and a growing travel directory of family-friendly places and products. There is practical advice, product reviews and travel from the family perspective.
Global Access Disabled Travel Network (http://www.globalaccessnews.com/)
Global Access Disabled Travel Network is the ultimate information resource for worldwide disabled travelers.
SKYTRAX - the world of air travel (http://www.airlinequality.com/)
Skytrax conducts the worlds largest airline passenger surveys and air surveys for all areas of the world air transport industry. Also provides passenger opinions.
Virtual Tourist (http://www.virtualtourist.com/)
Powered by over 80,000 members, VirtualTourist provides travel info you can rely on.