Have fun in Padas River

9/15(Thu) rafting in Padas River by Traverse Tours
Lodging Beverly / RM163 per night
[booking sites for you / Hotel Club]
Major expense(s) tour charge: RM240
Taxi / hotel-downtown: around RM7-10 (negotiable)
Related Sites General Links - Asia Malaysia Borneo
Sabah State Railway Timetable (as of September, 2005)

Padas white water rafting tour
07:30 Hotel pick up and transfer to Beufort Station by air-conditioned van
10:00 Aboard train for Tenom Station
11:00 Change clothes and leave knapsack (including valuable goods) at Rayoh Station
11:30 Arrive at Pangi Station
Light refreshment will be served
Safety briefing will be given by tour leader
13:30 Rafting ends and BBQ lunch will be served at Rayoh Station
15:30 Board the train to Beufort Station
17:00 Transfer back to hotel by air-conditioned van
19:00 Arrive hotel
my advice
1 White Water Rafting Service is provided by the following travel agencies which is informed by Sabah State Railway Department. For more information, other travel agencies are listed on Sabah Tourism Board Directory.
2 Your valuable goods must be left in the safety deposit box in your hotel. Only small change can be used while you wait a train at Beufort station and board it.
3 Your clothes CANNOT be left at Pangi station where Rafting starts; hence, you must only wear a swimsuit and T-shirt before reboard a train at Rayoh station. Since stoppage time is limited, you should wear a swimsuit before leave the hotel. Therefore T-shirts are available for only RM3 to 4 per a piece at night market in Kota Kinabalu.
Sabah State Railway Sabah State Railway Sabah State Railway Sabah State Railway
Padas River Rafting Padas River Rafting Padas River Rafting Padas River Rafting
Padas River Rafting Padas River Rafting Padas River Rafting Padas River Rafting
Padas River Rafting Padas River Rafting photo with Hong Kong girls Sabah State Railway

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