Experience of the Steam Train Ride

9/14(Wed) tour of the experience of steam train ride on the North Borneo Railway by Sabah Sightseeing
relaxing in the hotel's pool
Lodging Beverly / RM163 per night
[booking sites for you / Hotel Club]
Major expense(s) tour charge: RM200
Taxi / hotel-downtown: around RM7-10 (negotiable)
Related Sites General Links - Asia Malaysia Borneo
Sabah State Railway Timetable (as of September, 2005)

tour of the experience of steam train ride on the North Borneo Railway
(every Wednesdays and Saturdays only)
itinerary (No tour guide during the trip)
09:00 Hotel pick up and transfer to Tanjung Aru Train Station by car
09:30 Passengers check-in / boarding
10:00 Train departs from Tanjung Aru Train Station
10:40 Short excursion in Kinarut Town to visit the Tien Shi Chinese Temple
11:05 Train departs from Kinarut Station
11:45 Train arrives in Papar Town
A short excursion in Papar Town to visit the local market
12:20 Passengers re-board train
12:30 Train departs Papar Station
12:40 Lunch served onboard train
13:45 Train arrives at Tanjung Aru Train Station
14:30 Come back to the hotel by car
attendant of the steam train steam train train driver in the coach children at Tien Shi Temple
children at Tien Shi Temple children at Tien Shi Temple boy at Tien Shi Temple Tien Shi Temple Tien Shi Temple
Tien Shi Temple Papar station steam train lunch served onboard train

Sabah State Mosque Kota Kinabalu in the twilight
Sabah State Mosque Kota Kinabalu in the twilight
dinner at the waterfront restaurant Kota Kinabalu in the twilight
dinner at the waterfront restaurant Kota Kinabalu in the twilight

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